What Happens After Talking With a Bankruptcy Lawyer?

by | Feb 16, 2016 | Lawyers

Being so deep in debt that it is impossible to find a way out is one of the worst feelings anyone can experience. Instead of wallowing in despair, the smart move is to schedule a consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer and find out what can be done. After that first meeting, the debtor can look forward to several positive things happening. Here are some examples.

Feeling a Weight Lifted off the Shoulders
For many people, the hardest part is contacting a bankruptcy lawyer and following through with the appointment. Once in the office and going through the specifics of the situation, the client will begin to feel a glimmer of hope. This is especially true when the lawyer is able to reassure the client that meeting the qualifications for bankruptcy protection will not be a problem. With the process now in the works, it is possible to walk out of the office and feel better and more in control that the individual has felt in some time.

Attending Classes
One of the requirements of the court is to attend financial management classes. The good news is that many jurisdictions allow those classes to be attended in a virtual environment. At specific points in the sessions, the debtor is provided with a code that serves as confirmation that the classes were attended. Those codes are submitted using a court-approved form. For people who are intimidated by the idea of going to a class, this process makes it much easier to relax, learn from the information provided, and begin to see ways to improve their strategies for managing money.

No More Dealings with Creditors
From the moment the lawyer takes on the case, there is no need to remain in contact with creditors. The court will notify all the creditors of the pending action as soon as the paperwork is filed. If one should call in the meantime, all the debtor must provide is the name and contact information for the lawyer handling the bankruptcy. At that point, all collection efforts, as well as the filing of any liens, come to a halt.

For anyone who is in severe financial trouble and sees no way out, visit Stlbankruptcyfirm.com and arrange to meet with a lawyer. In many cases, it will be possible to begin work on the bankruptcy at once and get the client on the way to a more secure financial future.

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